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Jan 2019


Sculpture Installation


Wood, dried seeds, dried tree barks, dried flower (forget me not), branches, soil, stones, fresh plant and glue


116cm x 60 cm



“Flower blooms and withers, always in their timing” - a poignant saying in Chinese traditional poetry, manifesting how small all mankind is in this changeable and unpredictable world. 


Different mediums of nature were collected in their original form before presenting on raw wood to audiences. Each medium has been stabilized in its natural way to capture the beauty of the moment. The artwork became a quiet confrontation opposing the uncertain world, regardless of the ruthless fact of unpredictability. A fresh plant has ironically been cultivated in the middle of the raw panels to elucidate the present time as an experiment of changes. 


The stabilized medium subtly reveals the wish of preserving the memories and presences as regards the past relationship of the artist, visually transforming her unspoken feelings onto panels. Despite life changes, the ephemeral presence remains the same in the permanent record of artwork, in hope of the longing for eternity.


"Eternity is not impossible when you want it.

Though the vague memories may be forgotten by times, I will not forget you." 

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